A new economic-financial database will be created by the Ministry of Administration and Interior (MAI) to improve local administrations’ responsibility in Romania, reads a release of the abovesaid institution.
The Romanian Minister of Administration and Interior Dan Nica approved the financing from structural funds of the project titled ‘Building of the Information Technology System Architecture and Economic-Financial Database Structure in the Local Public Administration – BDAPL.’
The information technology system and the database will represent new instruments at the disposal of the MAI, of the other Ministries and of the Government too, to help them make more adequate decisions related to the future activity of the local public administrations, by providing them with more helpful information.
According to the MAI, the general objective of the project was the modernization of the Romanian society, by increasing the responsibility on the level of the local public administration, purpose to be reached based on a solid database of quantifiable indexes – to also help the analysis of the efficiency of the UATs – and also the closer observation of the impact of public policies and of the measures taken for the respective institutions.
By implementing this project, the MAI aimed at creating an information technology system and a database to collect, report, analyze and publish the financial, non-financial and statistical data relevant for the capacity of the local public administrations, with the central institutions to be thus helped to make more correct and efficient decisions related to the future activity of the local public administrations.
Moreover, the database will allow, by means of a transparent consulting process, the NGOs and the local public administrations to search through the common data of analysis and to make thus better decisions, based on certitudes and after analyzing the impacts on the local public administrations.
What is there in ones name! Here is a LOT!
12 years ago