To Download Source Code Click here >System Scheduler.rar

  1. Open Visual Studio and Click on New Project Window from template.
  2. Place 2Labels, 1DateTimePicker, 1ComboBox, 1Timer, 1NotifyIcon and 3Buttons.
  3. Set Properties for Label1
    1. Text = "Set Time for Operation" 
  4. Set Properties for Label2
    1. Text = "Select Operation"   
  5. Set Properties for DateTimePicker
    1. Name = "dtpTime"
    2. Format = "Time"
    3. ShowUpDown = "True"
  6. Set Properties for ComboBox1
    1. Name = "cboOperation"
    2. DropDownStyle = "DropDownlist"
    3. Items = "Log Off, Restart, ShutDown"
  7. Set Properties for Button1
    1. Name = "btnOk"
    2. Text = "Ok"
  8. Set Properties for Button2
    1. Name = "btnCancel"
    2. Text = "Cancel" 
  9. Set Properties for Button3
    1. Name = "btnAbout"
    2. Text = "?"
  10. Now use the Below give Code.  


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To Download Source Code Click here >System Scheduler.rar