The Info 101 series by is a great concept. It allows each of us writers to answer provocative questions in our area of expertise. My chosen area is Information Technology and I hope to answer as many questions about IT as I can.

To make finding answers to your questions easier, I’d like to use this page as a gathering point for all of my Technology 101 posts.

  1. Technology 101: What is the digital divide: There are misconceived notions about the digital divide. I’d like to try and clear them up, hopefully making it easier to close the gap.
  2. Technology 101: What is the Minneapolis Wi-Fi network: A few years ago, Minneapolis, MN turned on a citywide Wi-Fi network, and depending on whom you talk to, they either love it or hate it. Find out why.
  3. Technology 101: How to keep your computer updated: "Keep your computer up-to-date to stay safe" is a well-trodden IT security mantra. The bad guys don’t like to hear it though. Learn why.
  4. Technology 101: What is social engineering: Just what is social engineering as it pertains to Information Technology? Find out how it pertains to you.
  5. Technology 101: What is NoScript: The developer of NoScript understands that malicious Web sites use JavaScript and Flash exploits. So, he created a program where the user controls JavaScript and Flash code. See if NoScript can help you.
  6. Technology 101: How to hire a botnet for cheap: Ever wonder how much it would cost to rent a botnet? I suppose not, still it’s interesting to see what the average cybercriminal has to pay.
  7. Technology 101: What is the Emergency E-mail and Wireless Network: I’m surprised at how few people know about EEWN and its invaluable notification services. Check it out, it might save your day sometime.
  8. Technology 101: What is Web 2.0: Web 2.0 has become a buzzword that no two people define in the same way. Learn what Web 2.0 is and how it has improved the Internet experience.
  9. Technology 101: What is the App Store: Which is more impressive the iPhone or its App Store? I can’t answer that, as both are phenomenally successful. What are your thoughts.
  10. Gadgets and Tech 101: Where DIY still rules: I was heartened by a recent Wired article to see that DIY is alive and doing well. It seems that all around the world, groups of DIYers are forming Hacker Spaces. Find out if you live near one.

One last thought: If you have a question about IT that you would like answered, please tweet me and I'll get on it right away.


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